SCG and Homelessness NSW: United to End Homelessness

Homelessness by the Numbers: Understanding the Challenge

Did You Know?

  • On any given night, over 37,000 people in New South Wales experience homelessness.
  • 1 in 6 Australians accessing homelessness services is a child under the age of 10.
  • With the 528 million raised, 8,400 new homes will be built to reduce rough sleeping across NSW.
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Experience Homelessness

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Raised for 4 years

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Rough Sleeping

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Social Homes

"We can’t help everyone,
but everyone can help someone."
– Ronald Reagan

Introducing Homelessness NSW: A Partnership for Change

Homelessness NSW is a peak not-for-profit organization dedicated to preventing and reducing homelessness across New South Wales. They advocate for effective service delivery to individuals who are experiencing, have experienced, or are at risk of homelessness.

In their 2023–2028 strategy, Homelessness NSW emphasizes building the capabilities of people and the capacity of systems to end homelessness. They commit to collaborating closely with homelessness services, communities, businesses, individuals with lived experience, and governments to ensure that homelessness becomes rare, brief, and nonrecurring.

By joining Homelessness NSW, the Sydney Community Group aligns itself with a network dedicated to addressing homelessness through advocacy, leadership, and effective service delivery.

Goals and Initiatives for SCG through Partnership with Homelessness NSW

Enhance Shelter Accessibility

Expand existing shelter programs by aligning with Homelessness NSW’s resources to ensure more individuals and families in Sydney gain access to safe, temporary housing.

Establish Outreach Programme

Develop community outreach initiatives to identify and connect with at-risk individuals before they experience homelessness.

Strengthen Food Security Programme

Collaborate with Homelessness NSW to address food insecurity by increasing the reach and capacity of SCG’s food bank and meal distribution services.

Improve Support for Women and Families

Focus on targeted programme for women and families affected by homelessness, providing essentials like hygiene products, childcare, and family counseling.

Promote Education and Awareness

Launch campaigns to educate the public about homelessness in NSW, its causes, and how individuals can contribute to solutions.

Empower Individuals with Lived Experience

Involve individuals who have overcome homelessness in advocacy and programme development to ensure authentic and practical solutions.

Increase Volunteer Engagement

Collaborate with Homelessness NSW to encourage community involvement through volunteer programs aimed at assisting homeless individuals in areas like health, education, and mental well-being.